Awareness Builds Connection in Dementia-Friendly Communities (ABCD)

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About the Project

This project was completed in 2023.

Funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada, RDN’s Awareness Builds Connection in Dementia Friendly Communities (ABCD) project was guided by three priorities aligned with Canada’s national dementia strategy, A Dementia Strategy for Canada – Together We Aspire: (1) dementia prevention, (2) reducing stigma related to dementia, and (3) supporting communities to become more dementia-inclusive. The ABCD project worked with five rural Albertan communities, with a larger senior population, interested in adapting an evidence-based, dementia-inclusive initiative into their community. The approach was strengths-based, which allowed selected pilot project leads to oversee their pilot projects as they were the experts on the needs of their community. RDN’s role was to provide seed funding, assist with the planning and communication, and support community consultations as needed.

In February 2022, the Expression of Interest to rural Albertan communities was publicized on RDN’s social media platforms and through outreach to existing partners and networks. In consultation with the ABCD Advisory Committee, five rural communities were announced to have been successful in their applications at the end of March 2022, those communities and associated initiatives being:

  • Drumheller/Drumheller Dementia Coalition: Drumheller Memory Cafe 
  • Spirit River and District/Central Peace Health Complex Resident-Family Council: Musical Memory Cafe
  • Region of Wheatland County/Town of Strathmore, Family and Community Support Services: Dementia Friendly Connections (speaker series and Dementia Friendly Library initiative) 
  • Sturgeon County/Sturgeon County, Family and Community Support Services: Dementia Dynamics, Learning the Story (environment assessment of public spaces, speakers corner)
  • Town of Taber, Municipal District of Taber/ Barons-Eureka-Warner Family and Community Support Services: Establishing the FCSS Memory Café 

ABCD Project Documentary

To learn more about the dementia-inclusive initiatives implemented in Taber, Sturgeon County, Spirit River, Strathmore and Drumheller. please watch the mini-documentary at Promotion for the documentary is shown below.

Our Impact

Each ABCD pilot community adapted a dementia-inclusive initiative outlined in the ABCD catalogue which included memory cafes, speaker series’, train-the-trainer sessions, and dementia-friendly audit of office and library spaces. Memory Cafes were introduced in three communities, offering safe, stigma-free environments where individuals living with dementia and their caregivers could connect and participate in activities without fear. These cafes also played a role in promoting dementia awareness and reducing stigma within the broader community by involving local organizations and using public spaces.

Efforts to create dementia-inclusive spaces included audits to enhance accessibility in community spaces. Collaborations with local schools and knitting groups produced “twiddle muffs” and activity mats, available for free at local offices. Libraries also contributed by creating dementia-inclusive activity kits and acquiring books focused on dementia, supporting families at various stages of the condition. Educational initiatives included workshops and presentations aimed at raising awareness about dementia among professionals, volunteers, and community members.

In collaboration with the ABCD pilot project leads in each community, five step-by-step guides were developed to support other rural communities in the implementation of dementia-inclusive initiatives.

Related Resources

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Awareness Builds Connection in Dementia-Friendly Communities (ABCD): Guides

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