Faith and Belief-Friendly Workplace Project

This project was designed to support rural employers in better understanding and creating more welcoming spaces for employees of different religious, spiritual, and non-religious backgrounds in the Temiskaming Shores & Area region. The two initiatives piloted were employee resource groups (ERG) and a certification training.

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This project was completed in 2024.

About the Project

Based on a previous work of RDN and The Centre for Civic Religious Literacy (CCRL) in Temiskaming Shores and our dialogue with the Temiskaming Shores & Area Chambers of Commerce (TSACC), we learned that employers in the region have a strong desire to welcome and recruit immigrants and refugees but are struggling with attraction and retention, and are not well-versed on how to engage with employees coming from different religious, spiritual, and non-religious backgrounds. The pilot project ran from November 2021 to May 2024. 

Funders and partners

This project is funded by:  WES Mariam Assefa Fund 

Our Partners: 
  • Centre for Civic Religious Literacy (CCRL) 
  • Religious Freedom and Business Foundation (RFBF) 
  • Temiskaming Shores & Area Chamber of Commerce (TSACC) 
  • City of Temiskaming Shores  
  • Keepers of the Circle 

Our Impact

The Employee Resource Group (ERG) was a monthly community-building and professional development opportunity that employers and employees could both attend to help new and existing workers of diverse belief backgrounds feel confident and comfortable at work to benefit both them and their workplace. Each month, the topic was based on a sacred day relevant for a certain community group (e.g. Hinduism and Sikhism in March, Islam in April, Buddhism in May, attendance to existing Pow Wow event in June, Judaism in October, Christianity in December). An average of 8 participants attended the ERGs monthly.  

The Working Together: Engaging Faith and Belief at Work Certification is a credential that demonstrates an employer’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion for employees or all backgrounds. The Certification creates a process to help employers support employees in working effectively while also living in accordance with their beliefs in ways that do not create an undue burden on the workplace. A total of 18 participants were certified.  

This training can provide ways of knowing that some might not always feel comfortable with, or are shy to share but it helps us engage and invoice staff by letting them know that they are welcome to bring their whole self to work.

HR personnel at the Temiksaming Lodge, Ontario

Related Services

We help identify knowledge gaps and challenges in welcoming newcomers, and create individualized training, policies and practices, and resources. 

Needs Assessments and Action Plans 

Identifying the existing gaps and challenges that organizations and communities face in meeting the needs of newcomers.

Rural Employers’ Awareness on Diversity and Inclusion Training

Elevate your business’s sustainability and tackle labour shortages head-on with our customizable training.

Building Rural Capacity to Support Newcomers

Our training is custom-tailored to help service providers and municipalities learn effective strategies to meet newcomers’ needs and foster welcoming communities.

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